How would you recommend anyone measure this?
Not at all, that’s my point. We can’t measure absence.
So far the answer has been things like nvidia drivers and “anti-cheat doesn’t work”, which are things out of our control.
For the cases you get an explicit reason, yes. Again, we can’t measure or evaluate data that isn’t there. We can’t know how many potential users just weren’t convinced by the pitch.
If you don’t understand what something is, it may be that you are not the target audience!
So the target audience for Bazzite are people familiar with cloud-computing based development practices? Otherwise, they wouldn’t make it past the first five words of the pitch “Bazzite is a cloud native image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops”.
Also, that’s a great way to build walls, but I’d prefer we build bridges and help people understand instead.
Laypeople don’t install operating systems.
Laypeople with respect to OS development or cloud development may well do so. Many Linux users - particularly the share of Windows Gaming converts - have no expertise with “standard cloud tools”, but that doesn’t and shouldn’t be an issue for using Linux.
If it is an issue for using Bazzite, specifically, that would again lead back to the point: Are Gamers in general the target audience, or just a specific subset?
Less technical users don’t care and go download the ISO, they don’t need to care about any of this.
How do you know? Here, we circle back to measuring absence. If less technical users read “cloud” and close the tab, there’s no way of detecting that.
The conventional marketing wisdom is to deliver strong selling points in your pitch. In the absence of statistical ways to test it, I would approach the question from the perspective of the “customer”, assuming that would be gamers: They want gaming, they want stability, they want to not worry about breaking their system. Bazzite can deliver on that, so why not put those points in the pitch instead?
Now, I understand that what you’re doing right now works well enough for you. What I don’t get is the strong reaction to an apparently frequent suggestion to improve a detail. The whole thread started with an unprovoked “the more I see this whining the more I want to keep it on the website.” Instead of eventually reconsidering or just ignoring the complaint, quarterlife felt the need to be explicitly spiteful.
You said something about security patching, testing and production. I thought I’d let you know that those three words don’t really go together.
“Production” implies a professional environment, where “testing” usually applies to the newly added features (and if you’re lucky, to past features or even regression tests against bugs) but to my knowledge never to security. Security patching does happen, but I’ve never seen it tested before applying it in professional environments. And finally, the one instance I know where security patches were tested before applying them was in a college course, that is: not a professional, productive context.
Yes, please. I’m running out of stories to go with my popcorn. All I’ve got are the type that would go with a tub of comfort ice cream (or a strong drink, if that’s your poison).