Selfhost wiki (personal)

submitted by Shimitar

I have finally got my selfhost wiki up to a satisfying shape. Its here:

Take a look i hope it can help somebody.

I am open to any suggestions about it.

Note: the most original part is the one about multi-homed routing and failbacks and advanced routing.

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I recently started something similar using bookstack as the software behind.

Still severely lacking in content but am willing for anyone who has time and something interesting to write in it as long it's connected to tech, preferably linuc and open source software.

Here is the link and if anyone want's to contribhte I'm more than willing to accept a couple editor to grow the content on it.

Shimitar [OP] , edited

Now the big question is: are you an Arch or a Gentoo lover? Just joking.

Good job! Keep it up

CronyAkatsuki , edited

At one point was arch lover, then I became a gentoo lover.

Now I'm on nixos because gentoo didn't have a good retroarch package.


Quite useful... Thanks for sharing


Good work. Added to favorites.


Might be worth adding a section for web UIs that make managing certain things easier. For example, Cockpit or Nginx Proxy Manager.

Shimitar [OP] , edited

I think NPM is useless (in my use-case...) and can get things more messy, but I plan to check on cockpit later on indeed.

NPM isn't bad in itself, but NGINX configuration is basically static and IMHO don't require a dedicated GUI.


What lead you to believe NPM is useless/messy?

Shimitar [OP]

Yeah, i kind of wrote badly. I mean NGINX configuration is simple enough and static enough not to need a dedicated service for my use case. I don't feel the need to mess with NPM. I have a neat folder structure under nginx config so that adding one service is pretty clean and simple and editing one too.