It’s Sunday somewhere already so why wait?

Let us know what you set up lately, what kind of problems you currently think about or are running into, what new device you added to your homelab or what interesting service or article you found.

I’ll post my ongoing things later/tomorrow but I didn’t want to forget the post again.

    26 days ago

    So I recently sandboxed a webapp I am getting ready to launch.

    Basically Unifi switch > Vlan port > Server > Hosting Webapp instances, worker instance, cloudflared and DBs.

    Pretty chuffed at the docker config actually. Just configuring my WAF and tunnel settings with Cloudflare to reduce the scanning from VPS providers. Anyone have a solution or will I need to configure some sort of nginx instance to do it as Cloudflare only allows a certain length for each WAF rule for free.

    Side thought, does anyone know of a tutorial for CICD to auto build my containers and deploy? I’ve been reading github and codeberg docs and playing around to no avail. I’m temped to just write a go script to handle it on my server.