my current ISP refuses to provide me a static IP and they also blocks incoming connection to my ipv6 so I can’t host services on just ipv6 too. I will be changing my ISP when the plan expires.
without public IP I can host my own IRC bouncer but I would like to know what else can I self host? Thanks in advance!
Rent a VPN, setup a wire guard tunnel and fuck your ISP!
Anyway having a real public IP on a residential block is basically impossible anywhere but in the USA, I guess.
Straya. I have a static ip. Costs like 5$ a month
North America?
straya = australia
Thanks, I was thinking of the fitness app
That’s strava
Ah, yes. That’s the one.
Public IPV4 here. It’s not static, but very rarely rotates. DDNS ftw.
Telus Residential in Canada.
CGNAT blows, but easy to workaround w/ a $5/mo VPS.