I spent a few days comparing various Hypervisors under the same workload and on the same hardware. This is a very specific workload and results might be different when testing oher workloads.
I wanted to share it here, because many of us run very modest Hardware and getting the most out of it is probably something others are interested in, too. I wanted to share it also because maybe someone finds a flaw in the configurations I ran, which might boost things up.
If you do not want to go to the post / read all of that, the very quick summary is, that XCP-ng was the quickest and KVM the slowest. There is also a summary at the bottom of the post with some graphs if that interests you. For everyone else who reads the whole post, I hope it gives some useful insights for your self-hosting endeavours.
Thank you very much. I spent another two hours yesterday reading up on that and creating other VMs and Templates, but I was not able yet to attach the Boot disk to a SCSI controller and make it boot. I would really liked to see if this change would bring it on-par with Proxmox (I wonder now what the defaults for Proxmox are), but even then, it would still be much slower than with Hyper-V or XCP-ng. If I find time, I will look into this again.