I’ve installed xone and xboxdrv.
The controller vibrates on plug in but the LED stays off, if I hold down the Xbox button it boots in Bluetooth mode.
Xboxdrv reports no controllers found.
lsusb reports the controller and it has a file in /dev/js0 (or something similar).
Update: there’s no js file in /dev/input
retroarch reports detection of Xbox controller on plug in.
I added my user to input group.
My system is up to date.
I installed the system with the XFCE build.
The controller works as intended on Arch, Windows and Android via USB and Bluetooth
Update 2: I installed jstest-gtk and it’s not detecting the controller at all
Why do you think it’s NOT working if everything says it is?
The LED is off and I’ve tried retroarch and a game, retroarch detects the controller but takes no input, the game didn’t detect it at all
Did you try mapping the buttons?
The LED is off, which means the controller isn’t connected
That LED could mean anything. Just check and see if input is recognized during mapping setup. It doesn’t make sense that’s it’s showing as recognized but not working at all. I’d also check if BT is conflicting with wired connections.
What Xbox controller? 360? One? Wireless? Wired?
Model 1914 (the one currently used with Series S/X) I’m trying to connect it using the usb port
Is the controller listed in the output of “lsusb”? What does the output of “journalctl -b” say when you plug in the controller?
do you use libinput or evdev?