No idea why this is happening, as apparently no one else is having this issue, but my PS5 controller does not work with linux. I did a clean install of Mint today, and on my old install it was working great. Now, Steam recognizes the controller, testing the inputs shows everything works, and Linux recognizes the controller is connected with the USB, but it is not registering with any game. None of the inputs work, and even more annoyingly pressing the PS button immediately launches steam big picture mode, which I do not want.
I’ve been trying for hours to fix this and everyone else is saying it works great out of the box, but that is the opposite of the case for me. Any advice?
I’ve tried every gamepad template and none work. The only one that registered any sort of input was the Keyboard and WASD Mouse profile, but obviously it was useless.
Honestly I’m this fucking close to just reinstalling mint. I had no problems at all on my first install, but this install has been a nightmare.
Yeah, but that’s what I’m saying. Mint is not the problem here. It’s behaving as it should be unless you’ve installed a conflicting module of some sort.
Have a look at this thread perhaps: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/7791