Hello folks,

I just had a shower an was thinking why linux OSes cannot look pretty like mac? Do linux programmers have no idea what looks good? Because I met people in my life who are so good at programming and that other boring stuff but do not know what sells or looks good. You know what I mean? Look what you are wearing, do you really cannot afford something that suits you, you probably making 3 times what I do. Is similar thing happening with linux GUI, can afford it but dont know that it would make your community 100x bigger? And yes i noticed it is getting better over past 10 years or so. Slightly. Currently im trying linux mint with MACOS wallpaper. I do have macbook, I just wanted to try linux after i realized I cannot install freetube on mac (not the end of the world and not final decision stop using mac or windows which I also have for gaming). Not unless i run some commands to disable “security”. And i do not feel comfortable doing it. Trying freetube happened after the day when apple locked my secondary icloud account which I used to try Indian youtube premium subscription by redeeming indian itunes card to top up the balance and buy subscription via appstore. it worked for a month, good that I bought only one months youtube price worth of itunes rupees. Was about 3 euros or dollars. I am quite new even to MacOS - 5 years or so, maybe 8. 99.9% of time not using terminal. So again what is it with Linux GUI? Can someone collaborate with me or ideally other aspiring and avid UX/UI designers to create something that would blow everyone’s even apple users’ minds? I mean if nobody wants I can help to make linux look amazing can you just do the coding and materialize it. I mean i have no xperience and never even tried to make an os GUI concept, should I do it first and then do similar rant? using gimp or photoshop? I have both. Photoshop GUI looks better lol and I even downloaded GIMP 3.something RC…

P.S. do good looking linux themes exist and I just dont know it yet? If they do, why they are not default for distros, why you have to download “some code” after that. How do I know it is not malicious? Man, so much more to learn isn’t it? Is it that you linux users do not want big community and make linux look bad on purpose so there is no viruses and other shit that you can find for example on Windows, because I think if same amount of people who are using windows would use linux, linux would not be this secure. is it secure actually? Can you simply explain how is it secure compared let’s say to windows? Scripts do not start running themselves? Explain me like im five please.

I appreciate your answers, and apologies to those who do not fly <@;)

Yours faithfully,


nihil sub sole novum

  • T0RB1T@sh.itjust.works
    1 month ago

    Also, don’t post an image (and then tag it as NSFW‽) for a text post!

    If I’m looking for a text post, maybe I want to read discussion, and I see an image, I’ll skip it.

    If I want to see images, and then see something that makes no sense and has no context, I’ll be irritated and confused when I realize it’s a nonsequitur attachment to a text post.