Try Kasm Workspaces to stream any desktop, app or OS to your web browser: Grab a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux: ...
That’s the thing people don’t understand about ricing. It’s not about features, not even about functionality. It’s about aesthetics. Visually, but also how components interact and UX in general. It’s like making art. It’s emotional.
Maybe comparable to fancy mechanical keyboards. Am I more productive with mine? No, I could have grabbed any decent keyboard and it would have been the same. However, I like how mine looks, sounds, feels. It makes me happy. It is art I have created.
And that’s why customize your system. Not because it’s more efficient etc. Because it makes me feel goos like listening to music.
Honestly KDE Plasma is pretty good for ne as it is. Sure a few settings here and there but not like with custom styles and scripts and such, so far
That’s the thing people don’t understand about ricing. It’s not about features, not even about functionality. It’s about aesthetics. Visually, but also how components interact and UX in general. It’s like making art. It’s emotional.
Maybe comparable to fancy mechanical keyboards. Am I more productive with mine? No, I could have grabbed any decent keyboard and it would have been the same. However, I like how mine looks, sounds, feels. It makes me happy. It is art I have created.
And that’s why customize your system. Not because it’s more efficient etc. Because it makes me feel goos like listening to music.