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More customization = Higher chance something breaks.
Admittedly, chances are it’s just something minor like your icons looking weird or transparency breaking, and it’s not like it happens very often. However I have had it happen while I’m trying to focus on something and it’s definitely an annoyance I could do without.
I like that I can customize on the off chance that I need to fuck with something. But defaults have been getting better and better so i’ve done it less and less.
More customization = Higher chance something breaks.
Admittedly, chances are it’s just something minor like your icons looking weird or transparency breaking, and it’s not like it happens very often. However I have had it happen while I’m trying to focus on something and it’s definitely an annoyance I could do without.
I like that I can customize on the off chance that I need to fuck with something. But defaults have been getting better and better so i’ve done it less and less.