@dx1@corsicanguppy Corel was the revolution we need on the Desktop distros. It was the first distro with a graphical installation (and an easy one). Corel just didn’t have the luck they needed, because it was released with KDE 1 with the corresponding qt libraries. KDE 2 was released just a year or less after the Corel Linux be released.
Man, Corel Linux looks like a vibe. The box looks familiar but don’t think I ever used it.
@dx1 @corsicanguppy Corel was the revolution we need on the Desktop distros. It was the first distro with a graphical installation (and an easy one). Corel just didn’t have the luck they needed, because it was released with KDE 1 with the corresponding qt libraries. KDE 2 was released just a year or less after the Corel Linux be released.