I have a job where a part of our job is to write comments on some entries. Such as if we have edited it. This same string can get quite repetitive. Writing out initials followed by the current date. It would be amazing to have a script so each time you press a shortcut command, this script will fire and type out in the looks of "ABC YYYY-MM-DD: ". Making that process simpler. I’m quite new to Linux and thought maybe the community has some ideas. (We aren’t allowed to install any type of software due to security purposes. So if something already comes pre-baked within Ubuntu, would be quite neat! :P)
Personaly I use KeepassXC autotype functionality for this kind of thing (since I’m already using it as a password manager anyway)… I have entries that are just notes and then have the autotype command be:
so it types the content of the note and presses enter.The nice thing is that I can leverage the autotype dialogs from Keepass so I just need to remember 1 shortcut and it will open a dialog showing different Note options based on the title of the window I’m in. It also works across platforms (which is great if at work you still need to use Windows). However, Wayland is still not supported well.
I haven’t tried to use date/time placeholders, but in theory, they are suported in the keepass documentation (no idea if keepassXC in particular supports them): https://keepass.info/help/base/placeholders.html (check out the
placeholder that lets you run arbitrary commands and optionally have their output replace the placeholder, which is very powerful)In the auto-type docs they also have placeholders that even allow you to add delays, switch active windows, and press all kind of key combinations. Again, I’ve not tested if all of that works in KeepassXC but if not you can always use the official keepass app.
What program are you using to write or edit the comments?
Just a normal internal website. Imagine there is a comment section. You press the input box and can type within it. Then press save :)
I’d write a bookmarklet for that case:
javascript: { const name = 'ABC'; const d = new Date(); const year = d.getFullYear(); const month = d.getMonth(); const date = d.getDate(); document.activeElement.value = `${year}/${month}/${date} ${name}`; void 0; }
This bookmarklet inserts the desired text into the currently focused text box. Tested on Lemmy Web UI.
#!/bin/sh printf 'ABC %s: ' "$(date --rfc-3339=date)" | xclip
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You should look into Espanso. It was made for this kind of things, and many others you didn’t thought you need!
Basically, it replaces “triggers” input into strings, which can be set dynamically with short scripts.
I had been using beeftext for the longest time but it’s windows only, espanso looks dope!
It is. Working great on Linux. The only pain is it has to be recompile from time to time (several months apart) on a rolling, but otherwise I had a great experience with it. It’s been recommended to me on this very community, so I’m sharing the tip!
If I were to do it, I’d do it with doom eMacs. ‘’’q i ABC SPC ESC SPC i s current-time RET’’’. Then press Q to recall macro.
You could write a simple python script using
. Datetime would supply the date format and pyperclip to copy that to your clipboard. You could setup a key binding to call the script then[
to paste. ]I believe all linix distros have python installed OTB.
There are probably a bash solution but my bash is rubbish.