8 days agoI use it occasionally but mostly I use terminal players like cmus or musikcube (aliased to mcu, because… geek)
Mostly I live in my shell with zellij and do basically everything on cli. Even web browsing (allbeit non graphical) can be done with stuff like lynx or w3m. And for fanfiction that’s fine.
Honestly I use an app called zellage and I like being able to put my music player(cmus) and artwork ripper(cmus-art), and usually a visualizer (wtf can’t I remember it’s name).
There’s no particular advantage so much as my personal preference for staying on keyboard and off mouse. I have everything bound to key chords that I’ve more or less memorized so it’s a quick ctrl+t n for new tab ctrl+p v move pane down , etc etc and I can do all of it more or less by feeling.
It’s largely an aesthetic preference, but It’s also that I have a slow system. So I can keep ram use down. 2nd gen core i3 problems (shrugs)