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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2025


  • Does the Proxmox host have the driver installed for your 2.5Gb NIC? Can’t use it if it’s not installed. Connect to the host and run ethtool <device>. Should show the link speed as Speed: .

    I have roughly 40TB of media to transfer and 8MB/s isn’t going to cut it.

    If you need ultra-speed data, why not do a 100GbE switch with JBOD? 40TB isn’t a small amount of data. Generally no matter what setup you have it’s going to take a significant amount of time to swap data here.

  • May I ask about difference between Adguard Home and Pi-Hole in terms of “setup once and forget”?

    To put a fine point on it, its about usability. AdGuard is just a simple DNS stub resolver which acts as a middle-man between your network, and an upstream DNS resolver. Basically, your device makes a DNS request to your AdGuard instance, and it either gets filtered out by your blacklists (and never leaves your network), or its forwarded to an upstream DNS resolver (a real DNS server) and then back again. Pi-Hole does the same thing, and many many many more things. So while they would both do what you want, Pi-Hole (in my experience) is dozens of times more complicated and difficult to setup. Which is awesome–if you need all those other features.

  • I can give you an example. Searching through my logs while writing up my first reply to you, I saw these two entries: https://x0.at/nO3I.png

    One is for Skype, which I do not use. I don’t even have it installed on my PC, and the other is for QQ, which is a popular Chinese WhatsApp type service from Tencent, the same parent company as TikTok. Not only are they known for being an arm of the CCP, but why are they operating from within my network? No one uses QQ… So it’s ultra suspicious. The contact was blocked, but if I wanted to investigate further, I can–because now I know its there.

  • Two things. 1, unless you specifically need to run the software on a Pi, I recommend using AdGuard Home over Pi-Hole. It’s more actively maintained (not to imply that Pi-Hole isn’t actively maintained), and is going to be more of a setup once and forget type of solution.

    2, the value in running a software like this is to be able to monitor your network traffic for suspicious activity, block ads, and access to malware, porn, warez, gambling, crypto, etc (especially if you have children). You can use custom blocklists like Hagezi’s threat intelligence feeds (TIF) which instantly decreases your attack vector while interfacing with the clear-net. The TIF blacklists block malware, cryptojacking, scam, spam and phishing. Blocks domains known to spread malware, launch phishing attacks and host command-and-control servers.

    I very highly recommend using the Hagezi TIF lists. You can setup AdGuard very easily (mine runs off my Synology NAS), and you can easily force your entire network to use it by changing your DNS server in your router configuration page to your AdGuard Home instance IP (in my case, it’s my Synology NAS IP from within my network).

    Takes a few minutes to setup, and you’re done. From there you can use the web-ui to change settings, update blacklists, and even see what your network traffic looks like: https://x0.at/D-aY.png

  • The lingering feeling of instability. This is my second install of OpenSUSE, after I messed up something leading to my computer having some files which it wanted to update, but using urls which didn’t exist. After this, I’ve been feeling a bit insecure and afraid of doing something that ruins my installation. I know there’s the saying that Linux ‘just works’, but I’ve never messed up a Windows installation…

    IMO this is a right of passage. Sure, windows babies you to the point where you can’t really mess much up, but that doesn’t mean its impossible to mess up. I’ve also borked Windows installs just by using them over long periods of time. You bork linux a few times and learn what not to do.

  • I’m not saying its contentious. I’m saying if you’re gonna be mad, be mad at the right people. And in this specific case, the retailer is probably not the only issue, so switching to another retailer really won’t help you.

    I might sound like a dick, but I’m trying to help you out–telling you that even if you switch retailers, if whomever is delivering your mail is a dick, you’re not going to experience a better situation.

  • I owned my own tech firm for 10 years or so. I setup any number of backup solutions with enterprise level HDDs. I’ve seen HDDs packaged impeccably. I’ve seen them come in a cardboard box with absolutely no protection and it’s an absolute crap shoot no matter what. As a matter of fact, there’s a HDD connected to a NAS attached to the computer I’m typing this out on that’s been working for over 8 years non-stop and it was one that just came direct in a cardboard box. Didn’t have a lick of paper or bubble-warp in it.

    I’m not telling you not to be critical of retailers who don’t properly protect the things you buy. I’m telling you to measure your response because at the end of the day they’re incredibly fragile no matter how they’re packaged. Properly packaging doesn’t mean you’re going to get a 100% success rate. If you’re that worried about it, then find a local retailer and don’t buy them online.

  • I have a robust system to package those orders correctly

    This is my point. You can package your electronics as good as you want, but when it comes to hard drives, if the middle man decides to play ice hockey with your package it doesn’t matter. If you want to blame something blame Newton’s second and third Laws of Motion. 🤷‍♂️