When I click the Copy icon, it copies the old password instead of the new one. But it also updates for me if i click on another item. Did this problem also occur for you with the latest update?
When I click the Copy icon, it copies the old password instead of the new one. But it also updates for me if i click on another item. Did this problem also occur for you with the latest update?
When you update anything in a login item, such as the username or password, and click Save it does not update. You must click Edit agin and then click Save again for it to update.
Its list on their website as supported
Doesn’t it display in the browser the same way as images?
Just click on the video icon.
It seems like an odd choice to put it on the first page and it’s not just a HTTP warning it’s an SSL warning that appears quite scary on Chromium browsers.
But cool to know that apt repos don’t use SSL i knew they verified via signature but fought they had both.
Thanks for the suggestion. This is what I ended up doing, and it works really well.
Thanks for the recommendation. My only concern is trust because the containers do not appear to have many downloads
Not fixed the issue but the post.
Fixed now.
It is hope they fix it soon.