This will be used in CLI mode to do some tiny programming and text file note-taking. Having WiFi would be nice. The price has got to be CHEAP. ARM is ok.
This will be used in CLI mode to do some tiny programming and text file note-taking. Having WiFi would be nice. The price has got to be CHEAP. ARM is ok.
The hard part is tiny: 10" diagonal screen and really cheap: like milk money cheap - - Perhaps a netbook would work, some of them were Linux based right?
Netbooks, haven’t seen them in a decade. They were sluggish at best even running linux. The screens were awful. Seriously, I can’t recommend. A refurbished 10” tablet with a bluetooth keyboard would work 10 times better.
Asus EEE models were around 10” screens. Should work in CLI. Desktop environment might struggle a bit
Saw a few on eBay for 50 bucks
I would not be running a gui - this is strictly for text stuff unless I can do pixel/plot graphics in some BASIC or other language (a framebuffer?)
I got a $12 10 inch Asus eeepc 1005ha that I have NetBSD with i3 on and it’s perfectly usable, so something similar to that would probably be fine for linux cli stuff as long as a 32 bit cpu is okay
Just use a phone?
For programming?!
Zoomers takes notes on their phones, bet they do programming as well
Nonsense. Doing anything beyond minimal scripting in any device other than a full-blown keyboard is painful.
So is taking notes, but still the phones are used for note taking
If you are unable to see the difference between occasionsl notes and full blown programming, this discussion is pointless.
Obviously since you can’t see the difference between occasional coding and full blown note taking. 🙄 Enjoy your week 👋
Have a miserable year and get lost.
Op didn’t say what she wants to do. I maintain my server with my phone. If I really wanted to, I could also work on it efficidntly
$89. The alternatives are $180+, so this is about as good as you’re going to get unless you go second hand, and most of the time second hand is more expensive than new because people want to recoup the costs as much as possible without actually thinking about what a fair price is.
You don’t really need one that is specifically Linux based, as you can format a windows box to Linux at will. Really any 10" laptop you find on cragslist or ebay should do.
Honestly, the only difficult requirement will be the 10" part. 12"-13" are much more common for small laptops.