If this is time critical, you might just boot a live image, pull off your data, and reinstall from scratch.
Thaaaat’s what I’m worried about. I got a ton of stuff on here, apps, configurations, clipboard data, etc etc. so I don’t wanna lose anything if I can avoid it, it’s a lot. Is there really no way to fix this thing without a fresh reinstall? Right now the main hurdle is fixing the network thing in the recovery, is that impossible to fix or something?
If so, how would I go about pulling everything out and onto an external drive? Would I be able to start recovering stuff from there by like, idk dragging and dropping some folders here and there or?
You should have the ability to boot back into the previously installed kernel version from Grub. Is that an option?
See if this is available: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1512466/is-that-possible-to-repair-a-broken-24-04-installation
There listed, but everytime I try to boot in it greets me with a stuck cursor and a black screen, no idea what’s going on.
Yeah that’s what I’m trying to do, but the networking isn’t working, can’t proceed with the recovery because of it, that’s what I need help with.
Have yiu tried making sure network manager is enabled and started?
sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager
From a live USB do you have networking?
Yep, but it doesn’t do anything, still won’t work for some reason.
Yeah, the live USB seems able to connect to the network. Do I switch over to it then? What can I do from there to fix this thing?
Does ethernet work?
Did you chroot and reupdate? You might want to reuse timeshift to roll back before doing so.
Could also try going back a couple timeshifts ago.
Sadly my system doesn’t have ethernet, WiFi only.
Chroot and reupdate? What do you mean?
Also I completely forgot to even try to see if I can use timeshift in the recovery lol, that’s an option! I seem to be able to access it from the recovery, should I try it first or?
Yes try to do that first. First research how to restore from timeshift backup so you do it properly.
Alright I’m in! Timeshift worked! Used the --restore command, now what do I do from here?