Yeah, but it’s a well known, well hidden fact, that Arch users are the beta testers of packages before real distros includes them…
We don’t actually use Arch, it’s a testing environment.
But we need those testers you know… So…
GO ARCH GO best distro evar!!
To make it blazing fast, memory safe, modern, with the best of the only 567390 dependencies!
But to make it also a “rewritten in Rust!!”, you must write it in something else first…
For some reasons, each time I try neovim I go back to vim due to the performance.
And each time I am retrying, the worse it is.
What’s the real benefits of neovim I ask myself? I got a fast editor and I am not a “plugin addict”. I got my editor and all what I really want is edit text…
It’s not a race, take your time to read and understand what is what and how things are functioning together.
Enjoy your stay, it’s going to be your next home, take care of it; make it beautiful, make it efficient, make sure to get rid of all what is irritating you.
Start with the minimum and build from there.
And, FFS, make backups ;)