Better yet, backup /home to a separate disk and replace after install.
Better yet, backup /home to a separate disk and replace after install.
Old hardware used to get really upset before plug and play became common. I remember I was playing some old racing game with a joystick on a win95 box, and accidentally pulled the connector out, lost my entire game because the system flipped out.
Interesting, is that included on the live image or is it something I need to grab when the image first boots?
Pretty spot on. I run EOS, mostly because when I decided to get off Windows two years ago I tried it out and it hasn’t broken yet (at least not to the point I couldn’t fix it). My biggest draw was ease of installation, as I didn’t really have the time nor desire to go through a full Arch install. The mechanics of the OS, package management (both pacman and AUR), are identical (EOS does use dracut by default instead of mkinitcpio for image generation, that threw me for a loop when I had to fix it a while back as I’d never used it before). Any questions are easily answered using the Arch documentation. I’ve had to fix my install twice in the last few years, the most recent being systemd-boot deciding to be an asshole after an update, but I’ve been very happy with it.
Bleeding edge is a bitch, ain’t it. Thanks arch!
I paid for the lifetime pass maybe, 10 years ago? I dunno, it’s been a very long time. It’s still my primary. I’ve been trialing Jellyfin, but there are still enough quirks that my wife (non-techie at all) won’t put up with, so yeah. That, and Plex makes it too easy to share outside my house, not sure where Jellyfin is at with it. I appreciate Jellyfin for what it is though, it has a lot of potential.