So I’m working on a server from home.
I do a cat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate
and it says unknown
despite the interface being obviously up, since I’m SSH’ing into the box.
I try to explicitely set the interface up to force the status to say up
with ip link set eth0 up
. No joy, still unknown
Hmm… maybe I should bring it down and back up.
So I do ip link set eth0 down
and… I drive 15 miles to work to do the corresponding ip link set eth0 up
50 years using Unix and I’m still doing this… 😥
I still prefer net-tools and use ifconfig eth0 up That ip mess I’d rather do without, and those funky UU device/interface names I wish them out of my system
By the way, what system/init/svc manager are you using? With 50y in your back, cron job to check if it is up and resetting it while you are away. You can always remotely cancel the cronjob … but it will be a new mistake not the old one :)
I started on Irix and ultrix if you remember those, what would I know :)
Why don’t you use chained commands, or better yet simply create an alias that chains down/up, then use the alias instead?
Or use some kind of molly guard. Or have an OOB management channel.
You’d think you’d learn from your mistakes after one or two of them, not fifty years’ worth…
In my defense, I just installed the machine. I was configuring it from home after hours.
after hours
I’ve configured PAM to not let me login remotely after hours, because I just know that someday I’ll want to fix “just this tiny thing” and I’ll break production because I’m too tired. I clearly need protection from myself, and this is one slice in Dr.Reasons’s Swiss cheese model.
Don’t let the people drag you down, this happens to all of us.
Harsh (to yourself), but fair
You’d think you’d learn from your mistakes
Yes, that what you’d think. And then you’ll sit with a blank terminal once again when you did some trivial mistake yet again.
A friend of mine developed a habit (working on a decent sized ISP 20+ years ago) to set up a scheduled reboot for everything in 30 minutes no matter what you’re going to do. The hardware back then (I think it was mostly cisco) had a ‘running conrfig’ and ‘stored config’ which were two separate instances. Log in, set up scheduled reboot, do whatever you’re planning to do and if you mess up and lock yourself out the system will restore to previous config in a while and then you can avoid the previous mistake. Rinse and repeat.
And, personally, I think that’s the one of the best ways to differentiate actual professionals from ‘move fast and break things’ group. Once you’ve locked yourself out of the system literally half way across the globe too many times you’ll eventually learn to think about the next step and failovers. I’m not that much of a network guy, but I have shot myself in the foot enough that whenever there’s dd, mkfs or something similar on the root shell I automatically pause for a second to confirm the command before hitting enter.
And while you gain experience you also know how to avoid the pitfalls, the more important part (at least for myself) is to think ahead. The constant mindset of thinking about processes, connectivity, what you can actually do if you fuck up and so on becomes a part of your workflow. Accidents will happen, no matter how much experience you have. The really good admins just know that something will go wrong at some point in the process and build stuff to guarantee that when you fuck things up you still have availability to fix it instead of calling someone 6 timezones away in the middle of the night to clean up your mess.
Without repeating my other comment. This approach saved my life many times
Don’t be shitty.
Because I plain forgot I was remote. It’s as simple and as stupid as that.
That is why you have KVMs…
We’ve all been there. If you do this stuff for a living, you’ve done that way more than once.
Fair enough. I’ve done worse in my time as a keyboard jockey.
time to setup a console server so that you don’t do that again.
Until they have to troubleshoot the console server …
then setup a super console server. lol
It’s console servers all the way down (up?)
and you make each one geographically closer than the previous one until there’s one right next to you. lol
So that’s why we have mobile phones
Nah, you only need two, each connected to the other. Use one to work on the other.
I have once actually used a console server console server to troubleshoot a misbehaving console server.
i once worked at a place that had something like this and; it sounds silly; but i got a live demonstration that it was the smartest thing ever.
I’ve done this kind of thing remotely in screen with
ifdown eth0 ; sleep 10 ; ifup eth0 ;
I knew a guy who did this and had to fly to Germany to fix it because he didn’t want to admit what he’d done.
This hits…
Remember what Bruce Lee said:
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
Every network engineer must lock themselves out of a node at some point, it is a rite of passage.
I formated an OS drive by mistake last night, thought it was my flash drive…
I started to DBAN (wipe) my internal drive once instead of an attached drive. That was the last time I ran DBAN on a machine with any drives of value plugged in.
Almost did the same last night on a device that has its internal drive (flash) mounted as mmc and the USB drive was sda
That entire scenario scares me lol
Use cockpit by Red Hat. It gives you a GUI to make networking changes*, and will check if the connection still works before making the change. If the connection doesn’t work (like the ip addresses changed), it will undo the change and then warn you. You can then either force the change through or leave it be.
*via NetworkManager only.
That’s probably because of netplan, right? You should be able to get the same results with just
netplan try
.Netplan is an abstraction layer, so it can go over systemd-networkd, NetworkManager, or iproute. I suppose it’s better though, because it can be used with multiple backends.
Right, but the entirety of Cockpit is not necessarily required.
You don’t need to install cockpit on the server being configured, you can use it as a gui to connect from other machines via the flatpak, over ssh.
My point is that a wrench was needed and a batmobile was recommended.No. Netplan uses it’s own yaml format, which people would have to learn and use. I don’t want to do that, I would rather just configure my existing networkmanager setup, rather than learning another abstraction layer over what is already an abstraction layer.
I understand that cockpit (and similar type tools) are “the whole kitchen sink” of utilities, and it may seem like they come with more than you may need. But that doesn’t change the fact that they get the job done, and in some usecases, are better than dedicated tools.
I was on-call and half awake when I got paged about a cache server’s memcached being down for the third time that night. They’d all start to go down like dominoes if you weren’t fast enough at restarting the service, which could overwhelm the database and messaging tiers (baaaaad news to say the least). Two more had their daemon shit the bed while I was examining it. Often it was best to just kick it on all of them to rebalance things. It was… not a great design.
So I wrote a quick loop to ssh in and restart the service on each box in the tier to refresh them all just in case and hopefully stop the incessant pages. Well. In my bleary eyed state I set reboot in the variable instead of restart. Took out the whole cache tier (50+) and the web site. First and only time I did that but that definitely woke me up. Oddly enough the site ran better after that for months as my reboots uncovered an undiscovered problem.
A decade and change ago, in a past life, I was tasked with switching SELinux to permissive mode on the majority of systems on our network (multiple hundreds, or we might have gotten above one thousand at that point, I don’t recall exactly). This was to be done using Puppet. A large number of the systems, including most of our servers, had already been manually switched to permissive but it wasn’t being enforced globally.
Unfortunately, at that point I was pretty familiar with Puppet but had only worked with SELinux a very few times. I did not correctly understand the syntax of the config file or
and set the mode to … Something incorrect. SELinux interpreted whatever that was as enforcing mode. I didn’t realize what I had done wrong until we started getting alerts from throughout the network. Then I just about had a panic attack when I couldn’t login to the systems and suddenly understood the problem.Fortunately, it’s necessary to reboot a system to switch SELinux from disabled to any other mode, so most customer facing systems were not impacted. Even more fortunately, this was done on a holiday, so very few customers were there to be inconvenienced by the servers becoming inaccessible. Even more fortunately, while I was unable to access the systems that were now in enforcing mode, the Puppet agent was apparently still running … So I reversed my change in the manifest and, within half an hour, things were back to normal (after some service restarts and such).
When I finally did correctly make the change, I made sure to quintuple check the syntax and not rush through the testing process.
edit: While I could have done without the assault on my blood pressure at the time, it was an effective demonstration of our lack of readiness for enforcing mode.
I have a failsafe service for one of my servers, it pings the router and if it hasn’t reached it once for an entire hour then it will reboot the server.
This won’t save me from all mistakes but it will prevent firewall, link state, routing and a few other issues when I’m not present.
Until you block ICMP one day and then wonder why the server keeps rebooting…
(Been there. Done it) You’re doing it wrong. Just setup a KVM behind your server. So then you never need to leave home again.
Not SysAdmin but about a year into my first software engineer job I was working on the live DB in SQL without using BEGIN TRAN ROLLBACK TRAN.
Suffice to say I broke the whole system my making an UPDATE without a WHERE clause. Luckily we have regular backups but it was a lot of debugging with the boss before I realised it was me.
There, but for the grace of god…
I hope you don’t admin any mission critical servers. That’s a first year mistake.
This is a server I was setting up. It’s not doing anything useful at all at the moment, hence the lax work practice. The only reason I drove back to work is because it’s needed tomorrow and I wanted to finish setting it up tonite.
Gotcha. I disagree with your methodology of not being careful about non-prod systems. You stated you forgot it was remote. What happens the next time you do that but forget it’s prod or mix up terminals?
I assume you’ve never made any mistakes, ever. What an arrogant attitude.
I have made mistakes. I will make more mistakes in the future. I will not repeat disruptive freshmen mistakes like the one described here.