or be boring and alias sl=ls
This is exactly the type of thing I love.
alias l="ls"
, I’m immune to this problemOr
ll='ls -laFh'
to have it just how I like it
im currently baking this into our hpc. people gotta see the train!
If we’re sharing silly useless projects, I quite like “activate linux”, the configurable watermark inspired by “Activate Windows”.
It’s unfortunately not a strictly terminal based goof, but wanted to share anyway.This isn’t useless. It serves a purpose.
It’s for interns who fat finger commands to force them to slow down and be more intentional and verify their commands before pressing enter.
Not a mistake but a fun reminder that the terminal can be a very fun place!
fortune | cowsay -f stimpy _________________________________________ / Poverty Jet Set: \ | | | A group of people given to chronic | | traveling at the expense of long-term | | job stability or a permanent residence. | | Tend to have doomed and extremely | | expensive phone-call relationships with | | people named Serge or Ilyana. Tend to | | discuss frequent-flyer programs at | | parties. | | | | -- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: | | Tales for an Accelerated | | | \ Culture" / ----------------------------------------- \ . _ . \ |\_|/__/| / / \/ \ \ /__|O||O|__ \ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | | | (____) | || \/\___/\__/ // (_/ || | || | ||\ \ //_/ \______// __ || __|| (____(____)
Blinkenlights appears to no longer exist :(
Still works do me.
I would get slightly amused every time I typed “lust” instead of “list” as a kid in applesoft basic.
…now the question is do we want to implement a command for that
steam locomotive
rolling down the track
So I installed this way back in the day on my prod corporate VMs. I was still green, and any prod issues would shake me so much, it was too stressful.
I taught myself to relax when the locomotive pops up, take a few deep breaths and go on.
It was super effective. I learned to not get so flustered, and stopped messing commands due to adrenaline. I no longer install it anywhere, but it still puts a smile and a wave of nostalgia when I see or hear about it.
Such a small thing, yet it helped me grow so much.
Installing SL is part of my standard cloud-init config.
don’t forget to install gti
this is perfect
Lately for me it’s been “ks”
sl | lolcat
I prefer “the fuck” https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck
I thought this was going to be about “the fuck”
Yeah, that’s going to be installed tomorrow.
thefuck is abandoned, you could try https://github.com/iffse/pay-respects instead
I saw it wasn’t maintained, after I posted. Was pretty bummed. Thanks for this!
The fuck is awesome.
I love how knowledge shedding makes this a cyclical discovery.
i sure am glad i use yakuake widescreen
That’s a lot of choo-choo’ing