Now ppl are gonna think I switched because of this start indian hate mf
Interesting, I kind of assumed that he’d been long forgotten by the YouTube crowd, but he’s still the number 10 top youtuber going by how many subscribers he has.
So, this may actually have an impact on Linux perception, but I’d wager with people in PewDiePie’s age group more than younger people. He’s 35, a lot closer to my age than expected.
If I sound like an idiot it’s because I never followed PewDiePie except for watching him scream and flail in Dark Souls that one time.
I may be wrong, but I think his content was more for a younger audience? I don’t have many examples, but the people I remember seeing watching his stuff were around 5-10 years old
That sounds entirely plausible to me. Once again, when it comes to PewDiePie, I have no idea what the fuck I am talking about.
9 years old
There was an in-joke among him and his viewers that all the viewers were 9 years old.
10-16. It was mostly edgy content but not as edgy as leafy.
But his prime was like 10 years ago? So they are like in their mid twenties now.
The “subscribe to pewdipie” mass shooting was in 2019, 6 years ago, and he was already a household name at that point
He’s kinda grown up with his audience. I dropped out of watching as I hit adulthood, then tuned back in for his “meme review” phase, where the inside joke was that everyone watching was a nine-year-old, when in reality he already had an aging audience.
He eventually grew bored with the format (and at that point already he made it clear he was doing it for fun, not because he needed to). The view counts steadily trended downwards as he switched to making videos he wanted to make, instead of ones that made money, as he was set by then.
At some point he ran a book-club style format, because he wanted to get into reading more. At least some portion of the fanbase was into that, but at that point he lost a lot of viewership.
Nowadays he seems to post very infrequently, and it seems to mostly be vlog-style content about family life and living in Japan.
He seems to be better at computers than Linus Sebastian.
Him deleting his whole fucking system because he refused to read something before typing yes to it and them blaming everyone but himself is the funniest shit ever.
To be fair, running “apt install steam” and it promoting to remove the base packages is a pretty bad bug, and the safeguard they’ve put in place since that incident in case you remove your entire distro was long overdue. If he were using it in a professional setting? Skill issue, read the output. But he was using it… as a user!
Now that he’s on a communist OS, maybe he’ll adopt some other communist/anarchist views
Like not saying the N word
Shaka bra
Mutahar is in the comment section of the video ^^
Second Monthly Linux Video incoming…
great, coz I was not fully sold on Linux until I saw a nazi switch to it.
Who cares?
I’m glad one more person discovered Linux is good in 2025.
I’m a random person too and I discovered Linux in 1993. Where’s my 15 minutes of fame?
Oh right, I’m not a Youtuber…
Where’s my 15 minutes of fame?
You squandered it in 1993.
PewDiePie is a Nazi
Yup, fuck him, he deserves Windows 8.
Incorrect. A Nazi is a person who sincerely believes that there should be no individual freedom and that whole races should be exterminated. This, by contrast, was a standard-issue millennial ignoramus who said some silly things and then regretted it. There is a difference.
Ah yes, spreading misinformation on the Internet.
Holy fuck you are seriously downvoted. Idk man I definitely feel like that your opinion is the sane thought most people have.
Indeed, I looked it up and it seems he has said a lot of specifically antisemitic stuff over the years
I don’t think he is or was a nazi. I think he made lots of dark fucked up jokes like many other major youtubers. For example: iDubbzz, Filthy Frank, and h3h3. I think he regrets it like many of his fans who laughed at those dark jokes. I laughed at lots of fucked up shit I find very distastful now. People grow up, people change.
Has he shown change, though? Why would you just assume stuff like that?
Because I assume most people are good people. We all make mistakes. But comparing PewDiePie to someone like Kanye West or Elon Musk doesn’t really seem fair. I don’t know, I could be wrong.
It only doesn’t seem fair because those two aren’t hiding it.
Agree with you. Yeah Pewd has said some iffy things in the long long past like that bridge incident, but he did change and he is an amazing person overall.
It’s easy to judge a person nowadays for 1 misshap or act, but please be more thorough.
Funny thing about that: it doesn’t actually matter what he intended or if he self-identifies as a Nazi or not; the shit he did radicalized people into Nazis all the same.
I mean, they fucking named the phenomenon after him, so it’s hardly as if he’s a marginal example of it!
You can game “now” ? 🤨
I’m too old for these YouTube nerds.
You can game “now” ? 🤨
Well, you can… in fact you you could also before… but it’s technically correct
I mean it’s easier and vastly more compatible than it was even a couple years ago thanks to the proton devs.
Awww, there you go, Mitch Hedberging so fast.
Can you just appreciate that people are realizing it’s possible instead of brow beating about when it became a thing?
He was born in 89 which is very close to my age. Most people my age that are kind of techy but don’t do it as a job or main hobby probably tried Linux around 2010 or so, at which time it was rubbish for gaming, and wrote it off as impractical. It absolutely makes sense for someone that hasn’t tried it since then to say “now” when referring to its ability to play most games well, because it’s relative to when they last tried it.
As much as I absolutely hate PewDiePie with every fiber of my being, this is probably the best thing that could happen to Linux’s mainstream popularity. That dude’s got so many followers that it’ll get a lot of people interested.
What’s wrong with PewDiePie? I thought he was a wholesome guy? I haven’t watched him in a while i confess.
he did a stream in an SS uniform, he has said the n-word (as an insult) during streams, his earliest content was all about screaming “rape”, and he paid people on fiverr to hold up signs saying “death to jews”. he was never wholesome.
also there was that shooter in new Zealand.
however, he did these things because he (perhaps accidentally) cultivated an audience that want it. it was mutual radicalization.
Yeah I kind of forgot about that. I really don’t think he did it from a place of hate. I think he made dark jokes to stay relavant like many other YouTubers. I think he most likely regrets it.
accidentally saying the n-word in a moment of frustration like he says it all the time off-stream and briefly forgot he was on camera is not a dark joke. It’s just using a racial slur naturally and automatically because that’s the kind of person he is. No need to make excuses for him.
Okay, I get what you’re saying. I really do. But have you ever played in a Call of Duty lobby? You can’t play for 20 minutes without hearing it, at least back then. Also Sweden doesn’t have the same history with the n word as we do in the US. I assume it’s not as frowned upon to use there, though probably not appreciated either. He should know that his international audience may not take kindly to it but that’s a seperate issue. Just to clarify, I don’t believe he or any white person should be using the n word.
you’re correct, the n-word was just one of many common and non-loaded casual swears
Again, not what I said. Do you actually want to talk? Or do you want to keep throwing insults my way? I’m not a hateful person and I don’t appreciate your attacks.
no, it is just as bad because it is in English. the swedish word derived from the Spanish “negro” has different connotations and has historically been used as a descriptor rather than an insult, but we can read american history.
Yeah you just think that if a white person does use the n-word it’s not such a bad thing. You’ve had several people explain this to you in this thread, and yet here you are, trying to minimize his behaviour.
I get the feeling you already had your opinion before your first comment, and you’re feigning ignorance to give your continual defence of his actions the appearance of neutrality.
It is a bad thing. I don’t support white people saying the n word. I clearly stated that.
You are being ignorant not the other commenter.
Just because you think a word is offending anyone somewhere doesn’t mean that the person who used that exact word intended to be offensive against someone anywhere in the world.
The word just has a different meaning to some people.
I see that you have very strong feelings regarding the use of that word. Do you really want to put such a strong meaning into a word?
Why are you dancing around, I’ve asked you several times to demonstrate the “different meaning” the N-Word has for you. Should be easy no?
Stop trying to weasel out of it. be brave, put your money where your mouth is.
Finally satisfied?
removed, chill
Chill, she is ignorant, not you
still waiting for you to show me that the n-word has different meanings, as per your other comment:
Demonstrate to us how to use the n-word in one of the ‘other’ contexts where it is not a racial slur.
It took some minutes to write. Sorry for being too slow for you
I don’t see your demonstration anywhere in that reply.
Once again, show me the “different meaning” the n-word has, by using it in a sentence in the reply to this comment.
also there was that shooter in new Zealand.
That wasn’t his fault, and as far as I can remember he responded to it pretty well. That said, you’ve mentioned plenty of things about him I’d actually forgotten or didn’t know in the first place, so I’m far from any sort of authority on it.
i brought it up because it is indicative. he may not have started out courting nazis, but he developed an audience that tolerated it, and in turn got more extreme himself. mutual radicalization.
Unfortunately Pewdiepie fans in 2025 aren’t the type of person you want more of in any community.
A few years ago I could see this but doesn’t he just do family content now?
family content? maybe he’s concerned about the future of Aryan children
I mean, he was partnered with Disney before “the bridge incident” too…
Were they ever?
My gosh people… this… this might be the year of Linux on the desktop!
(not even being sarcastic here, the reach streamers have is huge. I bet a lot of their audience is thinking now “Wow… if he did it, maybe I could!”)
Ok so this is the worst thing I can think of, mainly because now there will be an absolute metric assload of an influx of newbies to Linux with the reading comprehension of a fucking toddler (ie. the entire fanbase of this fucknut whose probably apparently still a fucking nazi or something? Don’t know, never could stand him) flooding forums and other places after some “artificial intelligence helper” of some megacorporation told them to “sudo rm -rf /” or something. Let’s just hope they’ll mostly stick to everywhere else but here
Everyone gets to be one of the 10,000 when they need to be.
Sounds like we should ensure people are not trusting Ai for their answers, and also maybe be sure they’re asking questions properly. There’s nothing that brings in better answers than a question asked properly.
Oh, this is gonna be exciting. THINK of how their reading comprehension is going to soar. We have to be great sources of info and we have to write properly, but we’ve got this. We can represent a great community. Right?
This kind of elitism is a good way to keep new users from even getting started
Yep. The reason Windows and macOS are way more accepted than Linux is because they’re essentially idiot proof. Linux is not and that’s not necessarily a good thing if you want the year of the Linux desktop to actually happen one day.
I don’t care about Nazis switching to Linux and neither should you. Not a good look.